Monday, December 26, 2022

How to Use PowerToys for Windows: A Beginner's Guide

PowerToys is a set of utilities for Windows that can improve productivity and customization. In this article, we will discuss the different PowerToys available for Windows and how they can be useful.

PowerToys is an open-source project from Microsoft that is free to use and can be downloaded from the official PowerToys GitHub page. It is regularly updated with new features and bug fixes, making it a valuable tool for Windows users.

One of the most popular PowerToys is FancyZones, which allows you to create custom window layouts and snap windows into those zones. This can be especially useful for users who frequently work with multiple windows open at once.

Another useful PowerToy is the Keyboard Manager, which allows you to remap keys and create custom shortcuts on your keyboard. This can be a great way to streamline your workflow and reduce the time you spend navigating menus and using mouse clicks.

PowerToys also includes several tools for File Explorer, such as the ability to preview SVG files and a tool for bulk-renaming files. These tools can save you time and make file management easier and more efficient.

Overall, PowerToys is a valuable tool for Windows users who want to improve their productivity and customization options. With a variety of tools and features, there is something for everyone in this powerful set of utilities.

PowerToys Run

PowerToys Run is a launcher that allows you to quickly search for and open files, folders, and applications on your Windows computer. You can launch PowerToys Run by pressing the Windows key twice.


FancyZones is a window manager that allows you to create custom window layouts and snap windows into those zones. This can be useful for multitasking and keeping your work organized.

File Explorer Add-ons

PowerToys includes several add-ons for File Explorer, such as the ability to preview SVG files and a tool for bulk-renaming files.

Image Resizer

Image Resizer is a tool that allows you to quickly resize images by right-clicking on them in File Explorer.


PowerRename is a bulk-renaming tool that allows you to rename multiple files at once using search and replace, wildcards, and more.

Keyboard Manager

Keyboard Manager allows you to remap keys and create custom shortcuts on your keyboard. This can be useful for improving your workflow and productivity.

PowerToys Video Conference Mute

PowerToys Video Conference Mute is a tool that allows you to quickly mute and unmute your microphone and camera during video conferences.

PowerToys Color Picker

PowerToys Color Picker is a tool that allows you to quickly pick a color from your screen and copy its RGB or HEX value. This can be useful for graphic designers, web developers, or anyone who needs to work with colors.

PowerToys Awake

PowerToys Awake is a tool that prevents your computer from going to sleep or locking the screen while you are actively using it. This can be useful for presentations or when you need to keep your computer awake for a specific task.

PowerToys Video Conference Enhancement

PowerToys Video Conference Enhancement is a tool that allows you to apply video filters and virtual backgrounds during video conferences. This can be useful for improving the quality of your video calls or adding a touch of fun to your meetings.

PowerToys SVG Preview

PowerToys SVG Preview is a tool that allows you to preview SVG files in File Explorer. This can be useful for graphic designers or anyone who frequently works with SVG files.

PowerToys Shortcut Guide

PowerToys Shortcut Guide is a tool that displays a pop-up guide of all the keyboard shortcuts available in the currently active application. This can be useful for users who want to learn more about keyboard shortcuts or need a quick reference guide.

PowerToys Image Overlay

PowerToys Image Overlay is a tool that allows you to overlay an image on your desktop. This can be useful for adding a watermark to your screen or for displaying an important message.

PowerToys Preview Pane

PowerToys Preview Pane is a tool that allows you to preview files in File Explorer without opening them. This can be useful for quickly checking the contents of a file without launching a separate application.

PowerToys Keyboard Shortcut Guide

PowerToys Keyboard Shortcut Guide is a tool that displays a pop-up guide of all the keyboard shortcuts available in the currently active application. This can be useful for users who want to learn more about keyboard shortcuts or need a quick reference guide.

PowerToys File Explorer Navigation Pane

PowerToys File Explorer Navigation Pane is a tool that allows you to customize the navigation pane in File Explorer. This can be useful for users who want to add or remove frequently accessed folders from the navigation pane.

PowerToys Mouse Utilities

PowerToys Mouse Utilities is a tool that allows you to customize the behavior of your mouse, including setting custom actions for mouse buttons and adjusting the speed and acceleration of your mouse pointer.

These are just a few more examples of the many PowerToys available for Windows. With so many tools and features to choose from, PowerToys can be a valuable addition to any Windows user's workflow.


  1. Free and open-source: PowerToys is completely free to download and use, and it is open-source software, which means that anyone can contribute to its development.
  2. Customization: PowerToys allows you to customize many aspects of your Windows experience, including keyboard shortcuts, mouse behavior, and window layouts.
  3. Efficiency: With features like FancyZones and Keyboard Manager, PowerToys can help you work more efficiently and save time.
  4. Regular updates: Microsoft regularly releases updates for PowerToys, adding new features and fixing bugs.


  1. Learning curve: Some of the more advanced features of PowerToys, such as FancyZones, can have a bit of a learning curve, and it may take some time to get used to the new tools.
  2. Stability: While Microsoft releases regular updates for PowerToys, some users have reported stability issues with certain features.
  3. Compatibility: PowerToys may not work on all versions of Windows, and some features may not be available on older versions of the operating system.
  4. Overwhelming: With so many features and customization options, PowerToys can be overwhelming for some users, and it may take some time to figure out which tools are most useful for your workflow.

Overall, PowerToys is a powerful set of utilities that can help you customize your Windows experience and work more efficiently. However, like any software, it has its pros and cons, and it may not be the best choice for every user.


PowerToys is a set of utilities for Windows that can improve productivity and customization. The different PowerToys available include a launcher, window manager, File Explorer add-ons, image resizer, bulk-renaming tool, keyboard manager, and video conference mute tool. By using PowerToys, you can streamline your workflow and improve your productivity on your Windows computer.


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