Thursday, November 24, 2022

How to Check Windows Experience Score on Windows 10

Microsoft Removed the graphic interface for Windows Experience Index but the Windows Assessment tool is still available, you can easily check the performance ratings.

Windows Experience Index can be used to evaluate the performance bottlenecks in your system.


Type "cmd" in windows 10 desktop search box then right-click on Command Prompt shortcut and click on run as administrator, copy and paste the following command into command prompt and press Enter.

Once the process is complete it will generate the XML files in the folder C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore, open the folder and double-click on the file ending with Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml (Mostly the last file in the folder.

You will be prompted with a open with dialog box, select your preferred internet browser to view the XML file.

Windows PowerShell Win32_WinSat

Right-Click on windows logo and click on Windows PowerShell (Admin), Copy and paste the following command into command prompt and press Enter.

Your Windows Experience Index will be listed.

Performance Monitor

You can view Windows Experience Index using the Windows Performance Monitor.

Type "Performance Monitor" in windows 10 desktop search box then click on Performance Monitor.

Performance > Data Collector Sets > System > System Diagnostics.

Right-click System Diagnostics and click on Start.

To view the report click on Reports > System > System Diagnostics > [Computer Name].

Click on Hardware Configuration > Desktop Rating > open two additional panels by clicking on the + sign to find your Windows Experience Index.


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How to Check Windows Experience Score on Windows 10

Microsoft Removed the graphic interface for Windows Experience Index but the Windows Assessment tool is still available, you can easily chec...