Sunday, May 14, 2023

This Week in Tech History: May 14 to May 20

Welcome to "This Week in Tech History," where we journey back in time to explore the significant milestones and groundbreaking innovations that have shaped the world of technology. From the release of iconic games to the birth of visionary inventors and the introduction of revolutionary technologies, this week in tech history is filled with captivating moments that have left an indelible mark on our digital landscape. Join us as we delve into the fascinating events that occurred from May 14 to May 20 and discover the transformative power of human ingenuity.

May 14, 1919: Harlan Mills and the Birth of Software Engineering Technology

On May 14, 1919, Harlan Mills, the founder of Software Engineering Technology, Inc., was born. Mills was a prominent figure in the field of software engineering, contributing significantly to the development of software engineering methodologies and practices.

His work laid the foundation for modern software engineering practices and had a lasting impact on the industry. Mills' vision and dedication to advancing the field of software engineering continue to influence software development processes today.

May 14, 1967: Sebastian Thrun and the Birth of Google X

Sebastian Thrun, born on May 14, 1967, is a renowned computer scientist and entrepreneur. He is best known as the founder of Google X, a division of Google (now Alphabet Inc.) dedicated to developing ambitious moonshot projects.

His visionary leadership and groundbreaking work have earned him numerous accolades and have shaped the landscape of technology and innovation.

May 14, 1973: Skylab Launches, Pioneering Space Station

May 14, 1973, marks a significant milestone in space exploration with the launch of Skylab, the United States' first space station. Skylab was a major accomplishment for NASA, paving the way for long-duration human space missions and scientific research in microgravity.

Although Skylab's mission was cut short due to unexpected solar activity and subsequent damage to the station, it played a crucial role in advancing our knowledge of space and laying the foundation for future space station endeavors, such as the International Space Station (ISS).

May 14, 1984: Mark Zuckerberg and the Birth of a Social Media Giant

May 14, 1984, marks the birth of Mark Zuckerberg, the co-creator of Facebook and one of the most influential figures in the realm of social media. Zuckerberg's visionary ideas and entrepreneurial spirit revolutionized the way people connect and communicate in the digital age.

Regardless of the challenges, Zuckerberg's impact on the tech industry and society as a whole is undeniable. His entrepreneurial spirit and relentless pursuit of connecting people have reshaped the way we communicate, share information, and build communities in the digital age.

May 14, 1987: Goes Online, Pioneering Internet Presence for Businesses

On May 14, 1987, a significant milestone in the history of the internet was achieved with the launch of the domain Cisco Systems, a prominent networking equipment company, became one of the first businesses to establish an online presence, marking the beginning of the internet era for corporations.

Today, nearly every business recognizes the importance of an online presence, whether through websites, social media platforms, or other digital channels. Cisco's pioneering step in 1987 laid the foundation for the digital landscape we navigate today, where businesses of all sizes leverage the internet to connect, engage, and thrive in the global marketplace.

May 14, 1992: Texas Instruments Announces Its Own 486 Microprocessor Chip

May 14, 1992, marks a significant moment in the field of microprocessors with the announcement by Texas Instruments (TI) of its own 486 microprocessor chip. The introduction of this advanced microprocessor signaled TI's commitment to the competitive semiconductor industry and its ambition to play a prominent role in shaping the future of computing.

The announcement of TI's 486 microprocessor chip on May 14, 1992, marked a significant milestone in the company's history and the broader evolution of microprocessor technology. Texas Instruments' commitment to developing high-performance chips has contributed to the continuous advancement of computing capabilities and has played a vital role in shaping the modern digital landscape.

May 14, 2015: HTTP/2 Officially Released, Revolutionizing Web Communication

May 14, 2015, witnessed a significant milestone in the realm of web communication with the official release of HTTP/2. This new version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) brought forth a host of improvements and innovations that revolutionized the way websites and web applications are delivered and experienced.

Since its release, HTTP/2 has gained widespread adoption, with major web servers and browsers supporting the protocol. Its impact on web performance and user experience cannot be overstated, as it has facilitated faster and more responsive websites, improved mobile browsing, and enhanced the overall efficiency of web communication.

May 15, 1948: Brian Eno and the Iconic Sound of Windows 95

May 15, 1948, marks the birth of Brian Eno, a visionary musician, composer, and producer who made a significant impact on the world of music and technology. Eno is widely recognized for his contributions to ambient music, but his influence extends beyond the realm of music into the tech industry.

Eno's ability to merge artistry with technology has left an indelible mark on the intersection of music and computing. His pioneering work continues to inspire and shape the way we think about the creative possibilities that arise when music and technology intertwine.

May 15, 1970: Andrew Plotkin and the World of Interactive Fiction

May 15, 1970, marks the birth of Andrew Plotkin, a prominent figure in the realm of interactive fiction. Under the pseudonym "Zarf," Plotkin has become renowned for his contributions as an interactive fiction writer and developer.

Plotkin's impact on the world of interactive fiction is far-reaching. His work has inspired and influenced a new generation of game developers and storytellers, pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved within the medium. His dedication to the craft and his passion for creating rich, interactive narratives have solidified his place as a luminary in the field of interactive fiction.

May 15, 1997: Perl 5.004 Release - Empowering Web Development and System Administration

May 15, 1997, marks a significant milestone in the history of the Perl programming language with the release of Perl 5.004. Perl, known for its versatility and expressive syntax, has been a go-to language for web development, system administration, and a wide range of scripting tasks.

The release of Perl 5.004 on May 15, 1997, marked a significant advancement in the evolution of the language, further solidifying its position as a powerful tool in the realm of web development and system administration. Perl continues to evolve, with subsequent releases and a vibrant community of developers contributing to its ongoing success.

May 15, 2001: Apple Retail Stores Revealed - Revolutionizing the Retail Experience

May 15, 2001, saw the unveiling of a groundbreaking venture by Apple Inc. with the opening of its first retail stores. These stores, characterized by their sleek design, minimalist aesthetics, and innovative customer experience, revolutionized the way technology products were sold and showcased.

Today, Apple's retail stores continue to be a cornerstone of the company's success. With hundreds of stores worldwide, they serve as a platform for launching new products, providing customer support, and strengthening the Apple brand. The Apple Store experience remains synonymous with exceptional service, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

May 15, 2011: Sony Restores PlayStation Network after Cyber Attack

May 15, 2011, marked an important moment for Sony and the gaming industry as the company began the restoration process for its PlayStation Network (PSN) following a major cyber attack. The attack, which occurred in April 2011, resulted in the compromise of personal information and disrupted online services for millions of PlayStation users worldwide.

Sony's response to the cyber attack and the subsequent restoration of the PSN demonstrated the company's commitment to its users' security and privacy. It also underscored the ongoing challenge of combating cyber threats in the digital age and the necessity of constant vigilance to protect sensitive user information.

May 15, 2012: Diablo 3 Released, Breaking Sales Records

On May 15, 2012, Blizzard Entertainment released Diablo 3 for the PC and Mac, shattering records with 3.5 million copies sold in the first 24 hours. The highly anticipated action role-playing game received widespread acclaim and set a new benchmark for the gaming industry.

May 16, 1821: Birth of Pafnuty Chebyshev, Mathematician and Statistician

Pafnuty Chebyshev, a renowned mathematician and statistician, was born on May 16, 1821. His contributions spanned various fields, including statistics, mechanics, and analytical geometry. Chebyshev's work laid the foundation for many mathematical concepts still used today.

May 16, 1938: Ivan Sutherland, Pioneer of Computer Graphics, is Born

Ivan Sutherland, an influential inventor and developer of interactive computer graphics, was born on May 16, 1938. His notable achievements include the invention of Sketchpad and co-founding the renowned company Evans and Sutherland. Sutherland's groundbreaking work revolutionized computer graphics and paved the way for modern graphical user interfaces.

May 16, 1946: First Demonstration of Hi-Fi Tape Technology in the US

On May 16, 1946, the first demonstration of hi-fi tape technology took place in the United States. This significant advancement in audio recording and playback allowed for higher fidelity sound reproduction, greatly improving the quality of recorded music and other audio content.

May 16, 1960: Physicist Theodore Maiman Creates the First Laser

May 16, 1960, marks a milestone in the history of technology as physicist Theodore Maiman successfully created the first laser. His invention utilized a synthetic ruby crystal to produce coherent light, forming the foundation for numerous scientific, medical, and technological applications that continue to shape our world today.

May 16, 1972: Birth of Peter Bentley, Computer Scientist and Author

Peter Bentley, a British author, computer scientist, and contributing editor for WIRED UK magazine, was born on May 16, 1972. Bentley's expertise lies in evolutionary computation and bio-inspired computing, and his insightful writings have made significant contributions to the field of computer science.

May 16, 2001: Approval of ATA-6 Standard by ANSI

May 16, 2001, saw the approval of the ATA-6 standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). This specification, also known as Ultra ATA/100, defined the interface between computer storage devices and the motherboard. It provided faster data transfer rates and increased storage capabilities, enhancing the performance of computer systems.

May 16, 2005: Eidos Acquired by SCi Entertainment

On May 16, 2005, Eidos, a prominent video game publishing company, was taken over by SCi Entertainment. This acquisition resulted in the consolidation of two significant players in the gaming industry and contributed to the evolution of interactive entertainment.

May 16, 2006: Apple Releases the MacBook

May 16, 2006, marked the release of the MacBook by Apple Inc. This new line of laptops replaced the iBook and PowerBook models and introduced the use of Intel processors in Apple's portable computers. The MacBook quickly gained popularity among consumers and further solidified Apple's presence in the laptop market.

May 16, 2006: Toshiba Introduces the First HD DVD Player in a Computer

On May 16, 2006, Toshiba made a significant technological breakthrough by releasing the first HD DVD player in a computer.

May 17, 1797: Birth of Joseph Henry, Electromagnetism Pioneer

Joseph Henry, an American scientist known for his discoveries in electromagnetism, was born on May 17, 1797. He made groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of self-inductance, laying the foundation for the development of electric motors and transformers. Henry's work played a crucial role in the advancement of telegraphy and electromagnetic technology.

May 17, 1865: Formation of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

The International Telecommunication Union, now known as the ITU, was founded on May 17, 1865. The ITU is a specialized agency of the United Nations that focuses on information and communication technologies. It plays a vital role in developing international standards and policies for telecommunications and promoting global connectivity.

May 17, 1939: First Sports TV Broadcast

May 17, 1939, marked a significant milestone in sports broadcasting history, as the first-ever televised sports event took place. The BBC in the United Kingdom aired a broadcast of a soccer match between Arsenal and Arsenal Reserves. This groundbreaking moment paved the way for the widespread coverage of sports on television, transforming the way audiences engage with athletic events.

May 17, 1940: Birth of Alan Kay, Computer Pioneer

Alan Kay, an influential computer pioneer, was born on May 17, 1940. He is credited with conceiving the idea of a laptop computer, pioneering the graphical user interface (GUI), contributing to the development of Ethernet, laser printing, and the creation of the programming language Smalltalk. Kay's visionary ideas have greatly influenced the modern computing landscape.

May 17, 1943: US Army and University of Pennsylvania Sign ENIAC Development Contract

On May 17, 1943, the United States Army and the University of Pennsylvania signed a contract to develop the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC). ENIAC became the world's first general-purpose electronic digital computer and played a crucial role in scientific and military applications.

May 17, 1955: An Wang Patents Magnetic Core Memory Technology

On May 17, 1955, An Wang, a renowned computer engineer, was issued patent #2,708,722 for his invention of magnetic core memory technology. This innovation greatly advanced computer memory capabilities, providing a reliable and efficient method of storing digital information.

May 17, 1962: Birth of Rosalind Picard, Pioneering Professor of Media Arts and Sciences

Rosalind Picard, born on May 17, 1962, is a prominent figure in the field of affective computing. She is a professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and has made significant contributions to the development of wearable technology and devices that can sense and respond to human emotions.

May 17, 1999: Introduction of Intel Pentium III 550MHz Processor

On May 17, 1999, Intel introduced the Pentium III 550MHz processor. It was a significant advancement in computer processing power, offering improved performance for various computing tasks. The Pentium III series played a crucial role in shaping the computing landscape of the late 1990s and early 2000s.

May 17, 2009: Release of Minecraft Game

May 17, 2009, marked the release of Minecraft, a sandbox video game that revolutionized the gaming industry. Developed by Markus Persson, the game allows players to construct and explore virtual worlds, fostering creativity and endless possibilities. Minecraft has since become one of the best-selling video games of all time.

May 17, 2019: Hewlett-Packard Acquires Cray for $1.3 Billion

On May 17, 2019, Hewlett-Packard (HP) announced its acquisition of Cray, a leading supercomputer manufacturer, for $1.3 billion. This strategic move aimed to strengthen HP's position in the high-performance computing market and leverage Cray's advanced technology for future innovations.

May 18, 1939: Birth of Peter Grunberg, Nobel Laureate in Physics

Peter Grunberg, born on May 18, 1939, was a German physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2007 for his discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR). GMR revolutionized data storage technology, enabling the development of high-capacity hard drives and enhancing magnetic memory devices.

May 18, 1998: US Justice Department Files Antitrust Lawsuit against Microsoft

On May 18, 1998, the United States Department of Justice filed a landmark antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft Corporation. The lawsuit accused Microsoft of engaging in anti-competitive practices and sought to address concerns regarding the company's dominance in the software market. This legal battle had far-reaching implications for the technology industry and influenced subsequent antitrust regulations.

May 19, 1934: Birth of Ralph Griswold, Programming Languages Innovator

Ralph Griswold, born on May 19, 1934, was an American computer scientist recognized for his contributions to high-level programming languages and symbolic computation. He co-developed the SNOBOL programming language, known for its string manipulation capabilities, and contributed to the development of the Icon programming language.

May 19, 1942: Birth of Gary Kildall, CP/M and Operating System Innovator

Gary Kildall, born on May 19, 1942, was an American computer scientist and entrepreneur. He is best known for creating the CP/M operating system, which became one of the most influential platforms in the early days of personal computing. Kildall's work laid the foundation for modern operating systems and influenced the development of the industry as a whole.

May 19, 1955: Birth of James Gosling, Creator of Java Programming Language

James Gosling, born on May 19, 1955, is often referred to as the "father of Java." He played a pivotal role in the design and development of the Java programming language, which has become one of the most widely used and influential programming languages in the world. Gosling's contributions have significantly impacted software development and shaped the internet era.

May 19, 1999: Release of SETI@Home, Enabling Citizen Science for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Search

SETI@Home, a distributed computing project that allows users worldwide to contribute to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, was released on May 19, 1999. By harnessing the idle processing power of users' computers, SETI@Home revolutionized the way scientific research is conducted, demonstrating the power of collaborative citizen science.

May 19, 2006: Opening of Apple Cube Store in NYC

On May 19, 2006, Apple opened its iconic Apple Cube Store on Fifth Avenue in New York City. The store, characterized by its distinctive glass cube entrance, quickly became an architectural landmark and a popular destination for tech enthusiasts and Apple fans from around the world.

May 19, 2001: Launch of Apple Retail Stores

May 19, 2001, marked the debut of Apple's first retail stores. These physical locations, designed to showcase Apple's products and provide personalized customer experiences, have since become an integral part of Apple's business strategy and contributed to the company's immense success.

May 19, 1980: Introduction of the Apple III Computer

Apple introduced the Apple III computer. As the successor to the Apple II, the Apple III aimed to cater to business users with enhanced capabilities and expandability. Although it faced technical issues and limited commercial success, the Apple III laid the foundation for subsequent business-oriented Apple products.

May 19, 2010: Release of WebM Video Format

WebM, an open-source video format developed by Google, was released on May 19, 2010. With its efficient compression and high-quality video playback capabilities, WebM aimed to provide a royalty-free alternative for web video content, fostering open standards and enabling broader accessibility to multimedia on the internet.

May 20, 1851: Birth of Emile Berliner, Inventor of the Gramophone

Emile Berliner, born on May 20, 1851, was a German-born American inventor credited with developing the disc record gramophone, also known as the phonograph. Berliner's groundbreaking audio recording and playback technology revolutionized the music industry, leading to the mass production and distribution of recorded music.

May 20, 1913: Birth of William Hewlett, Co-founder of Hewlett-Packard

William Hewlett, born on May 20, 1913, co-founded the Hewlett-Packard (HP) company along with David Packard. Their partnership laid the foundation for one of the world's most influential technology companies. Hewlett played a pivotal role in driving HP's success and establishing its culture of innovation.

May 20, 1927: First Solo Flight Across the Atlantic

On May 20, 1927, aviator Charles Lindbergh achieved a historic milestone by completing the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. His journey from New York to Paris aboard the aircraft Spirit of St. Louis captivated the world, demonstrating the possibilities and paving the way for future aviation advancements.

May 20, 1932: First Female to Fly Solo Across the Atlantic

Amelia Earhart, a pioneering aviator, became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic on May 20, 1932. Her courageous feat shattered gender barriers in aviation and inspired generations of women to pursue careers in aviation and other male-dominated fields.

May 20, 1961: Birth of Peter Diamandis, Entrepreneur and X PRIZE Foundation Founder

Peter Diamandis, born on May 20, 1961, is an American engineer, physician, and entrepreneur known for his work in space exploration and technology. He founded the X PRIZE Foundation, which incentivizes breakthrough innovations through competitions. Diamandis has been instrumental in promoting commercial space travel and advancing the frontiers of scientific exploration.

May 20, 1995: Abandonment of Microsoft and Intuit Merger

On May 20, 1995, Microsoft and Intuit, two major software companies, announced the abandonment of their proposed merger due to regulatory concerns. The failed merger highlighted the complex legal and competitive landscape in the technology industry and shaped subsequent regulations regarding mergers and acquisitions.

May 20, 2017: Release of Android Version 2.2 (Froyo)

On May 20, 2017, Android version 2.2, codenamed "Froyo," was released. This update brought significant improvements to the Android operating system, including enhanced performance, new features, and increased support for enterprise users. Froyo played a crucial role in solidifying Android's position as a leading mobile operating system.


As we conclude our journey through the annals of tech history for this week, we are reminded of the incredible advancements and achievements that have propelled the world of technology forward. From the release of groundbreaking games and the birth of visionary inventors to the introduction of transformative technologies, these moments have not only shaped our present but have laid the foundation for the future. As we look back on these milestones, let us continue to celebrate the ingenuity and innovation that continue to drive the ever-evolving world of technology.


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