Tuesday, April 25, 2023

How to Reduce Windows 11 Driver Bloat

Windows 11 is a modern operating system that requires device drivers to function properly. Device drivers are software programs that allow your computer to communicate with hardware components such as printers, scanners, and graphics cards. However, with the installation of each driver, the size of the operating system increases, leading to bloat. This article will provide you with tips to reduce the bloat caused by Windows 11 drivers.

1. Remove Unused Drivers

One of the easiest ways to reduce bloat caused by drivers is to remove drivers that are not in use. Windows 11 automatically installs drivers for any device that is connected to your computer, whether or not you use it frequently. These unused drivers can take up valuable disk space and slow down your system. To remove unused drivers, follow these steps:

  • Open the Device Manager by right-clicking on the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
  • Expand the category for the device you want to remove the driver for.
  • Right-click on the device and select Uninstall device.
  • Check the box for "Delete the driver software for this device" and click Uninstall.

2. Use Generic Drivers

Windows 11 provides generic drivers for many devices, such as keyboards, mice, and webcams. These drivers are designed to work with most hardware and are typically smaller in size than manufacturer-specific drivers. Using generic drivers can help reduce bloat caused by drivers. To use generic drivers, follow these steps:

  • Open the Device Manager.
  • Right-click on the device you want to update the driver for and select Update driver.
  • Select "Browse my computer for driver software."
  • Select "Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer."
  • Select the driver labeled "Microsoft" or "Generic."

3. Use Driver Cleaning Tools

Driver cleaning tools can help you remove leftover files and registry entries from previously installed drivers. These leftover files can take up disk space and cause conflicts with new drivers. Driver cleaning tools can help you remove these files and reduce bloat caused by drivers. Some popular driver cleaning tools include CCleaner and Driver Cleaner Pro.

4. Use Driver Packages

Driver packages are collections of drivers for specific devices or manufacturers. Using driver packages can help you install only the drivers you need and reduce bloat caused by drivers. Some popular driver packages include DriverPack Solution and Snappy Driver Installer.

5. Keep Drivers Up to Date

Keeping your drivers up to date can help you maintain a healthy and efficient system. Newer drivers often provide bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features. However, updating your drivers too frequently can also lead to bloat. To keep your drivers up to date without causing bloat, follow these steps:

  • Only update drivers when necessary or when a new feature or performance improvement is significant.
  • Use manufacturer-specific drivers when possible.
  • Remove old drivers before installing new ones.


Bloat caused by drivers can slow down your system and take up valuable disk space. By following these tips, you can reduce bloat caused by drivers and maintain a healthy and efficient system. Remember to remove unused drivers, use generic drivers when possible, use driver cleaning tools, use driver packages, and keep your drivers up to date without causing bloat.


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